Learning all about the music exam syllabuses
Learning all about the music exam syllabuses.
What is it better to learn: ABRSM or Trinity syllabus?
Do you guys know all about the piano exams in England?
What are the official examiners? What are the examinations about?
ABRSM or Trinity syllabuses? Which is the best option for you or for your students?
Here we are to help all those students, or our members as piano instructors in London to answer these and more questions about the music examinations.
Sabrina Curpanen, one of our members at Pianist AID has just written an article based on her experience. Most of the music students in London and England are focused on official examinations. For different reasons, these have become the centre of any musical training nowadays. An 80% of the total students registering at WKMT decide to learn under either ABRSM and Trinity syllabuses to work towards grades proposed by these two organisations. For that reason, we considered this article essential and crucial for you all.
Whether you are a beginner or advanced, but seeking for taking your music skills to an exam, this article will be of your interest. Also, if you are an instructor and receive questions like this, learn the main differences with this new post. You can all click on the link aforementioned to fully read the post. Here we will summarise what you will see in this great and helpful article.
- Sight-reading: Learn the differences between the organisers in terms of sight-reading
- Scales and arpeggios: Learn what you will need from this subject wither with ABRSM and Trinity
- Supporting tests: Some tests added to the exam including concepts and subjects apart from just playing/
- The repertoire of pieces: ABRSM is more classical like in terms of the pieces suggested. However, Trinity proposes a wider range of pieces to choose from, including different styles and eras of music.